Are you ready for a spooky adventure with the adorable Alpha and Omega Wolf Pups?
With Halloween right around the corner, it’s the perfect time of year for this type of fun. It’s got some good kid-appropriate chills, lots of cuteness, laughs and some good lessons about friendship, courage and the importance of accepting everyone, even if they are different.
The movie itself is just about 45 minutes long. There are two special bonus features that will keep kids entertained after the movie is over. There are two games – Race to Rabbit Poo Mountain and What Happens Next?
Alpha & Omega
Legend of the Saw Tooth Cave
Available exclusively at Walmart
Not Rated
Release date 10/7/14
Synopsis: “The Alphas and Omegas share a thrilling adventure filled with surprises, humor and heartwarming moments after Runt – Kate and Humphrey’s Omega wolf cub – sneaks off to explore the haunted Saw Tooth Cave. When Runt finds a wolf who’s been driven from her pack for being different, he musters all his courage to help her – and learns the joys of lending a paw to a friend in need.”