108 Mindfulness Lessons for Students
Read the Buddha U book, when you want to learn how to deal with the stresses of college life without getting overwhelmed.
College can be a wonderful experience, both for the academics and for the life experiences.
However, it can also be a time of immense stress and pressure.
Buddha U is filled with practical lessons that are geared towards applying Buddhist principles to the very specific stresses that college students face in modern times.
The book is fantastic to read straight through and, also, great to pick up every now and then as needed.
All of the lessons are practical, so it’s easy to take action to smooth out the rough edges of a college experience.
I have a kid who is in college, so understand how important it is to keep your head in a good place from the beginning of the semester to finals week.
And, even though I’m not in college myself, I picked up some good tips from the book, too.
Buddha U
108 Mindfulness Lessons for Surviving Test Stress, Freshman 15, Friend Drama, Insane Roommates, Awkward Dates, Late Nights, Morning Lectures…and Other College Challenges
by Victor M. Parachin
isbn 978-1612435947
Pub Date 8/23/16
What’s the secret to surviving college?
Staying calm and focused―what a Buddhist would call mindfulness.
Whether you feel lost, overwhelmed or depressed, Buddha U teaches the healthy perspective that will keep you on the path to a great college experience.
Divided into 108 straightforward lessons that approach life day by day, Buddhist principle by principle, this book will transform your college life into a well-managed, stress-free experience.
As you put them into practice, you will find yourself ending one academic year with immense satisfaction and anticipating the new one with great enthusiasm.
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