A story of friendship, belonging, and summer camp shenanigans, Camp Hideout is a heartwarming film that will appeal to audiences of all ages. In this PG-rated film, the kids learn what it truly means to forgive.
Jhupli’s Honey Bee Box
Enjoy Jhupli’s Honey Bee Box, a translated Indian children’s book that celebrates the bond between a father and daughter. Order your copy on Amazon today!
Dioramas Dystopian Fiction
If you’re a fan of dystopian fiction, or if you’re looking for a novel that will make you think about the world in a new way, then you need to read Dioramas by Blair Austin.
Beulah Has a Hunch! Book
Beulah Has a Hunch! is an inspirational children’s biography picture book about Beulah Louise Henry, a remarkable woman inventor who overcame many challenges to achieve her dreams.
The Last Voyage of the Demeter
The Last Voyage of the Demeter is a must-see for fans of horror and Dracula. This unique and suspenseful film tells the story of the merchant ship Demeter as it carries a terrifying cargo across the ocean.
The Crown S5 Blu-ray Set
The Crown S5 Blu-ray Set is now available! Get ready for a royal binge-watching session with this must-have for fans of the show.