My German Friend is a love story that began as a friendship, when an unlikely pair form a strong bond despite their family’s pasts.
Raining In The Mountain Blu-ray Movie
The 1979 classic film, Raining In The Mountain, has been beautifully restored and is now available on blu-ray and DVD.
Habermann DVD – Based on a True Story
The true story of August Habermann and his family is a stark reminder that when war ends, old problems still exist and new ones begin.
Song Without A Name – Based on a True Story
A Song Without A Name tells the heartbreaking story of an indigenous Peruvian woman, when her baby girl is taken from her.
Pororo Dinosaur Island Adventure DVD
Get your kids ready for fun, since they can now watch the new Little Penguin Pororo Dinosaur Island Adventure Movie on DVD!
The Killing Floor Based On Actual Events
The Killing Floor takes place about a hundred years ago, but the story about unions and wealth and racial inequality is still relevant today.