Watch the Finnish film Open Up To Me, when you want the drama of a thought provoking coming of age movie with a twist.
Frau Stern DVD – It’s Frau or Never
Old age and self determination are serious business, but Frau Stern will make you laugh as you think about these issues.
Disney Upside Down Magic DVD
The Disney Channel has some fantastic family friendly programming, so you will want to plan for an Upside Down Magic movie night at home.
2020 World Series Champions Dodgers Blu-ray
2020 has definitely been a challenge, so it is great to celebrate with the World Series Champions LA Dodgers blu-ray set.
White Riot UK Punk Documentary
Watch White Riot, so that you can learn about British punks coming together to fight against racism and fascism in the late 1970’s.
Trompie DVD from the Retro Afrika Movie Collection
Take a step back in to to Apartheid era South Africa, when you watch Trompie from the Retro Afrika movie collection.