Afloat, a gripping drama, follows a family’s sailing trip turned tumultuous. With political tensions and personal conflicts rising, this film explores the depths of human emotion and the power of the sea.
Memo and The Unexpected Gift Children’s Book
A delightful and imaginative story, Memo and the Unexpected Gift is a cute and silly children’s book translated from Turkish to English. With charming illustrations and a natural English translation, this book is perfect for reading out loud with a small child.
Back to Soloz Documentary DVD
Journey Back to Soloz, when a French filmmaker who is of Armenian origin returns to the village of his grandparents in Turkey.
Ferahfeza DVD – Ships Independent Film
Foreign independent films are a lovely way to see things from a different viewpoint, and Ferahfeza should be on your watch list.
Leather MacBook Sleeve Handcrafted in Turkey
Recently, I got a new laptop, so want to keep it protected. I am thrilled with my new leather MacBook sleeve from Galen Leather. It was handcrafted