Weight Loss Surgery: The Real Skinny
by Nick Nicholson M.D. and B. A. Blackwood
isbn 978-0615887395
Pub. date 11/13/13
Weight loss surgery is all about having a surgeon get rid of that ugly fat, right?
Sure, the operation can propel you to weight loss numbers you never even dreamed of, but it’s really just a short term kick start to getting you to a healthy life, both physically and emotionally. If you don’t deal with the emotions that will inevitably surface as the pounds come off, you’ll be right back where you started.
Most people use food as a coping mechanism, whether they realize it or not. It numbs, soothes, comforts, camouflages and acts as a bulwark against loneliness, boredom, rejection and anxiety. Once you strip that one-size-fits-all coping mechanism away, you’re left with confronting unpleasant emotions head on and finding new, healthy ways to deal with them. If you don’t, you’ll eat your way out of the bariatric surgery, no matter what kind of procedure you have.
That’s why we wrote Weight Loss Surgery: The Real Skinny. It prepares you and your family for the emotions everyone may experience, helps you figure out what to do about them, and encourages you through the process.
Dr. Nick is one of the most renowned bariatric surgeons in the country and is a recognized expert on obesity and its treatment. Find out more about him at www.nicholsonclinic.com. B.A. Blackwood is an author, trial lawyer and marathoner. Find out more about her at www.bablackwood.com.
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