Happy 75th birthday to The World is Round!
This classic book includes the beautiful prose of Gertrude Stein along with rose pink pages and lovely illustrations by Clement Hurd that are from the original book. At the time that it was first published, the book felt fresh and avant garde. 75 years later, it still does.
This is a children’s book, but can be enjoyed by all ages. It isn’t at all childish, but will cause kids and adults to use their minds and imaginations as they read and ponder over the lovely words. The literature is as beautiful now as it was decades ago. It’s a book that can be read repeatedly with new things coming to light each time.
The World Is Round
by Gertrude Stein
isbn 978-0062203076
Pub. date 10/29/13
“Published to commemorate its 75th anniversary, The World Is Round brings back into print the classic story created by Gertrude Stein and Clement Hurd. Written in her unique prose style, Gertrude Stein’s The World Is Round chronicles the adventures of a young girl named Rose—a whimsical tale that delights in wordplay and sound while exploring the ideas of personal identity and individuality.”
The forward is by Thacher Hurd and the Afterword is by Edith Thacher Hurd. It’s interesting to read their personal memories about this special book and the people involved in creating it.