The Billy Jonas Band is one of a kind!
Each band has their own style, but Billy Jonas takes it to another level. In addition to the usual guitar and vocals, this band uses what they call “re-percussion.” These homemade instruments are made from barrels, buckets, keys, cans and other found objects.
The innovative music is beautiful and fun. It just may inspire your children to find an instrument nearby and join in as they listen to the CD. It really is possible to make music wherever you are with whatever happens to be nearby.
The CD is great and it sounds like it would be a lot of fun to see the Billy Jonas Band perform in person.
Billy Jonas Band
Build it Back Again CD
There are nineteen tracks on the CD:
- Build it Back Again
- I Want to Know
- Caveman
- Intro: L-M-N-O-P Break
- L-M-N-O-P Break
- Monkeys Driving Cars
- Intro: Moment of Noise
- Moment of Noise
- Fruit Salad Serenade pt. 1
- Hairy Things
- Atmosphere
- Intro: I Mean
- I Mean
- Fruit Salad Serenade pt. 2
- It’s Good for You and Good for Me
- Intro: Maybe Maybe Not
- Maybe Maybe Not
- What Kind of Bear Are You?!
- Fruit Salad Serenade pt. 3