How would you like to get fit without a huge time commitment or expensive gym membership? We all get busy. Setting aside an hour or two a day to drive to the gym to meet with a trainer or take a class just may not make sense.
In Fitter Faster, author Robert Davis along with celebrity trainer Brad Kolowich, will help you exercise efficiently. When you are exercising smart, you can get fit in just 15 minutes a day.
The book has a whole lot of tips, explanations and answers to questions you probably have, which is great for people who want to understand the underlying principles of efficient workouts. It also has an illustrated guide with step by step instructions for a week of workouts that you can do at home. You can choose from beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Are you ready to get fit?
Fitter Faster:
The Smart Way to Get in Shape in Just Minutes a Day
by Robert J. Davis with Brad Kolowich Jr.
isbn 978-0814437711
Pub. date 5/11/17
Description: “Examining everything from pre-workout stretches to post-workout protein shakes, this science-backed book slices through fitness fads and misconceptions to reveal how you can exercise quickly and effectively. For example, is it best to exercise in the morning? Does aerobic activity burn more fat than weight lifting? You’ll also learn how to get and stay motivated, what equipment to buy (and what not to waste money on), which dietary supplements really help, and how to combat muscle soreness.”