Shabu is a heartwarming documentary about a 14-year-old Dutch-Surinamese boy who dreams of becoming a rapper.
The Mission LDS Documentary DVD
The Mission is a new documentary DVD about LDS missionaries in Finland. It is a fascinating and moving look at the lives of these young people as they serve their church in a foreign country.
One Step West is the Sea: ruth weiss Film
In the ruth weiss documentary, One More Step West is The Sea, you’ll learn about the talented poet from the beatnik counterculture movement.
Children of The Mist Documentary on DVD
The Children of The Mist documentary gives us an inside look at the life of a Hmong girl in Vietnam as the world struggles to evolve.
Being Thunder Documentary DVD
Being Thunder is a beautiful Native American documentary that deals with difficult issues in a respectful and supportive way.
The Last Bookshop of The World DVD
The Last Bookshop of The World is a unique documentary film from Finland that will be enjoyed by those of us who love books.