Willow and Bunny: A Sweet Tale of Friendship and Resilience
Willow and Bunny is a sweet and heartwarming children’s book about friendship, resilience, and helping others.
Perfect for a bedtime story or a calming break, this book features engaging illustrations and a kind and thoughtful message.
Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Bunny who needed a new home.
After a long journey, he met a wise and caring willow tree named Willow, and he knew he had found a safe and loving place to stay.
One evening, a fierce storm swept through, frightening the creatures.
But Willow stood tall and strong, shielding them from the wind and rain.
When the storm passed, Willow’s branches were damaged.
But she didn’t mind; she was glad to have kept her friends safe.
Bunny and the other creatures gathered around Willow, offering love and support, so that she could grow stronger than ever before.
Willow and Bunny is a sweet and inspiring story that teaches children about the importance of friendship, resilience, and helping others.
Order your copy today on Amazon!
Willow and Bunny
Two Lions
isbn 978-1542025690
Pub Date 10/10/23
Bunny needs a new home. After a long journey, he meets Willow and knows he will be safe beneath her branches.
Every day is theirs to share. Just Bunny and Willow, Willow and Bunny.
Then, one evening, an angry spiral whips through the wood.
Every creature in the forest runs to Willow for shelter.
As the storm rages, Willow shields and protects them with all her might.
But when the calm returns, Willow’s beautiful branches are tattered, twisted, and forever changed.
Bunny and the other creatures know it is their turn to help.
Anitra Rowe Schulte
Christopher Denise
Suggested Ages
Up to 7 years old
Preschool to 2nd Grade
Children’s Fiction
Children’s Book
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