Mickey Mouse Clubhouse I Heart Minnie DVD Release date 2/7/12 I can remember how much I enjoyed watching old black and white re-runs of the Mickey Mouse Club when I was a kid. The new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney Junior is definitely more modern, but it still has that same type of Mickey magic. […]
Beauty and the Beast Holiday Spiced Tea and Hot Cider Recipes
Are you ready for the release of the Beauty & The Beast: The Enchanted Christmas and Beauty & The Beast: Belle’s Magical World Blu-ray and DVD combo packs? They have also put together some fun beverage recipes, s0 your family get into the holiday spirit – Spiced Tea and Hot Cider. Spiced Tea and Hot […]
Kermit Cupcake Recipe
The Muppets is coming to theaters on November 23rd! These cute Kermit Cupcakes are a fun way to celebrate the movie release and they look really easy to make. HOW TO CONNECT – You can like The Muppets on Facebook.
Beauty and the Beast Mrs. Potts & Chip Gingerbread Cookies Recipe
On November 22nd Disney is releasing the Beauty & The Beast: The Enchanted Christmas and Beauty & The Beast: Belle’s Magical World Blu-ray and DVD combo packs They’ve also put together a tasty looking recipe for Mrs. Potts & Chip Gingerbread Cookies. Disclaimer/Disclosure: Sample merchandise provided to me.
Halloween Recipe – Bat Shaped Dog Biscuits
Spooky Buddies is coming to Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Download on September 20th! The movie is a great way to have some Halloween fun. Of course, it’s important to remember to include our four legged friends in our Halloween celebrations. Budderball’s Bat Shaped Dog Biscuits are really cute. Preparing these treats would be a fun […]