Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide
We always start Christmas morning with our stockings, and this stocking stuffer gift guide will help you choose some memorable little presents.
I like to fill our stockings with some expected items like fresh fruit, coins and candy canes, but I also like surprises. My kids are too old for Santa, so I’ve already started filling their stockings.
I wrap each little item, so that we can have the fun of opening lots of things. The anticipation is fun, even if it’s an inexpensive item.
The key to a good stocking is making sure there is a good variety. I make sure that some of the items can be eaten, sipped, worn or played with immediately.
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Bach Rescue Plus Stress Complex Lozenges
Spirit Riding Free Collectible Mini Horses
The mini horses each come with their own stall, and, of course, they are highly collectible. These are perfect little stocking stuffers!
We’re Going on A Bear Hunt DVD
Waterloo Zero Calorie Sparkling Beverages
Mister Rogers It’s You I Like DVD
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood It’s a Beautiful Day Collection
Gourmet Gummies from Happy Yummies
Happy Yummies Worlds Best Tasting Gourmet Gummies Super Bear Assortment – The Best Tasting Gummies packed in an exclusive 14 oz bear package makes a great gift for someone special! Includes 14 flavors of gummy bears plus two extra special flavors. MSRP $9.50
I try to keep our stockings fair, so each person gets a similar amount. This year everyone is getting a few identical items, and then others will get things that suit their individual personalities. I know which son is getting the hot sauce and which one is getting highly caffeinated Death Wish Coffee.
Hope you’ve picked up some good ideas for unique gifts to add to your family’s Christmas stockings!
Holiday Gift Guide Stocking Stuffers
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