It is the 65th anniversary of Peter Pan and I’m ready to celebrate! I’m watching the movie again, of course. And, I’ve crafted a super cute DIY pixie dust necklace that is easy for kids and adults to make. The pendant has plenty of sparkle and can be customized with whatever colors you like.
tinker bell
Peter Pan Coloring Page – Free Disney Printable
Download the free Peter Pan coloring page from Disney. Disney’s Peter Pan brings back so many memories for me. I loved seeing the movie in a theater and had fun reenacting scenes at home with my friends.
Free Printable Disney Tinker Bell Pixie Hollow Fairy Quiz
Click HERE to download the quiz. You can print it out now or just save it to your computer. Is there a Tinker Bell fan in your household? Is it your child or you? This Pixie 101 activity will help test your fairy knowledge about Pixie Hollow and the fairies who live there. The quiz […]
Free Printable Animal Yoga Poses from Disney & Tinker Bell
Click HERE to download. Has your child tried yoga? Animal poses can be a great yoga introduction for kids. Of course, you’ll want to do some research to make sure poses are done correctly. This ‘cheat sheet’ can be a helpful and fun reminder for kids who are adding animal poses to their routine – […]
Disney Tinker Bell Paper Flowers Craft
Click HERE to download the pdf to print or save to your computer. Now kids can make these pretty paper flowers to create their own Pixie Hollow garden at home. This is a fun craft for anytime and would be great fun for a Tinker Bell birthday party or to decorate a Disney themed bedroom.
Disney Peter Pan & Tinker Bell Printable Activity Sheet
Click HERE to download the activity sheet.