Afterimage is a captivating historical drama based on the life of famed Polish avant-garde painter Wladyslaw Strzeminski during the rise of Stalinism. Often movies idolize action heroes, but in Afterimage the hero is an artist who is also an amputee. He is strong and willing to stand up for his convictions no matter the cost. I found […]
New Look at Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Darkness rises… and light to meet it. Were you and your family watching game 7 of the World Series tonight? If so, you were one of the first people to see a brand new video trailer from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. And whether your team won tonight or not, this new Star Wars sneak […]
In His Own Home DVD
In His Own Home is a documentary that clearly depicts two current issues in this country – the militarization of our college campuses and racist police brutality. Both of those issues collided at the University of Florida in 2010. After reading the description of the movie, I knew it would be hard to watch. However, I […]
Wichita Horror DVD
Looking to get frightened this Halloween season? Wichita is a horror movie that can scare on Halloween or any other day of the year. Wichita has all of the plot elements that we expect from a good psychological horror movie. A socially awkward outcast plots his revenge on those who have done him wrong. Of course, […]
Thor: Ragnarok Mjolnir Candy Apples Recipe
Don’t you love these fun Mjolnir Candy Apples from Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok? These would be perfect for a Halloween party or birthday celebration. It would also be fun to surprise your child and pack one of the apples in their lunch box. Just follow the step by step instructions in this video tutorial: Thor: […]
Dave Made A Maze Blu-ray
Dave Made A Maze is oh so much fun. It’s clear that this is one of those movies that I will want to watch over and over again for years. It will go on the shelf with the other films that have achieved cult status in my household. This imaginative independent film has been honored at […]