Kaijudo! This action packed animated TV show and the accompanying collectible cards from The Wizards of The Coast have fans around the world. Rise of the Duel Masters is the first season that last year. Current episodes of the second season, Clash of The Duel Masters, can be seen on the HUB network. Small kids […]
Thomas & Friends Animals Aboard DVD
Thomas & Friends – can you ever get enough of Thomas?! This new Thomas & Friends Animals Aboard DVD is available exclusively at Target. In October, you’ll also be able to download a digital version. It’s almost an hour long and includes 5 episodes and 2 karaoke music videos. The episodes feature a variety of […]
Barney: Most Huggable Moments DVD Set
Super-Dee Duper! Barney fans can rejoice as they do the happy dance! The Barney Best Huggable Moments 2 disc DVD set is a wonderful compilation of the things we love about Barney. There’s plenty of love to go around and it’s contagious. When kids watch the feel-good DVDs, they’ll be reminded of all the warmth […]
The Legend of Smurfy Hollow DVD
Smurfs Halloween DVD These adorable little blue creatures are back again just in time for Halloween! As you probably guessed, this Smurfs mini-movie is based on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. It’s got the right amount of ‘spooky and scary’ to keep kids entertained, but is very kid-appropriate so there’s no need for kids […]
The Countershaded Ibex by Andrew Warren
The Countershaded Ibex is a modern day thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The author weaves world history and current events into this fictional novel. At times it’s hard to tell where reality ends and fiction begins. This makes the whole adventurous tale feel very real. Prior to authoring this […]
The 5:2 Diet Book Set
Feast for 5 days and fast for 2? Yes, that is the concept behind the 5:2 diet. It actually sounds do-able and makes sense to me. The 5 days of ‘feasting’ allow you to eat sensible meals without disrupting your normal routine. The 2 days of fasting allow your body to rest, cleanse and recuperate. […]