As you’ve probably guessed from the cover of the Bon Voyage CD, Jazzy Ash is ready for fun. This whole CD feels like a party! This is the third CD release for Jazzy Ash. Her mother is from New Orleans and her father is from Trinidad. She began training as a musician when she was […]
childrens cd
Ralph’s World Rocks and Reads!
Music and reading are a perfect match! Ralph Covert has been making pop music for kids for many years. In between recording and performing live shows, he’s also authored several children’s books. His latest Ralph’s World CD, Rocks and Reads!, is a musical celebration of reading. The CD is fun to listen to and will […]
Flight of the Blue Whale Children’s CD
Have you and your kids heard the Pointed Man Band? The music is fun with a unique sound and the songs tell stories. The style of the music is is both modern and eclectic. The album reminds me of the musical stories I used to listen to on my red plastic record player as a kid. […]
Earthworm Ensemble Children’s CD
Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd. What will you be doing to celebrate? I think it’s great that we have one day a year to focus on the environment, but, of course, it’s even better to live mindfully every day. Whatever you have planned for Earth Day can help set a foundation for good […]
Billy Jonas Band Children’s CD
The Billy Jonas Band is one of a kind! Each band has their own style, but Billy Jonas takes it to another level. In addition to the usual guitar and vocals, this band uses what they call “re-percussion.” These homemade instruments are made from barrels, buckets, keys, cans and other found objects. The innovative music […]
Animal Tales Children’s CD
When I was a kid, I loved listening to children’s music on my little plastic record player. Many of the songs told stories and it was all kid-friendly. These days children have a lot of outside influences that push them towards growing up and experiencing things they just may not be ready for. When I first […]